Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Farther away than a non-partisan congress separated by an aisle in the same room, it's Naki.

Here are some highlights from Nov 2010.

Naki touched a hot stove and was immediately rushed to the emergency room where he was fitted with a band aid from Walgreens...

We went to St. George for Thanksgiving. Some details: The roads were very bad so we made it as far as Ely, NV where we discovered a very nice hotel with a restaurant, casino, and pool under the same roof. We stopped there on the way back too. Made both directions a two day event. Thanksgiving was full of thanks.

Naki's friend Spencer.

Here is a video created by the makers of MTV.


PrincessAnna said...

SO cute! The kids are watching this over and over and over. Love you Naki!

Kelly Stanworth said...

Fanua, your mom looks FAB. In fact, I think she looks even younger than when we were growing up.