Shout out to my fine friend Carly, for helping to lop off all 9 feet of his thick, luscious mane!! She's the bomb :)
So, as you can see it looked like his parents are slackers and don't know what a good haircut looks like. Ahem, Sefa.... :)
Here's the 'during' shot. He was apprehensive when Carly pulled out the clippers-the buzzing noise and feel of them on his head was too much at times, so I had to hold onto him. Cute little bugger! :)
And....the 'after' shot:
Too cool for school:
Thanks Carly!!
Oh my goodness he looks so grown up & handsome!
Naki, I still haven't deleted your sweet message on my cell. I love you cutie pie xoxoxo
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