More wayward than an ill driven robot, it's Naki.

Here are some more pictures of Naki with some presents that he got for his 2nd birthday. Being in Boise, we weren't too impressed that he has lived for two years...

He really likes the card Grandma and Grandpa gave him. Niiiiiccceeee!

He really enjoyed his presents overall.

Electrifying $500 shirts!

For this weekend, there was a Greek festival that we went to and ate some good food. We then went down the street to a park where Naki got to play while Daddy sat nursing....a rolled ankle.

We have been mostly working around the house and staying in town on the weekends to relax and enjoy summer. Naki as well.

Naki gets to eat all the good summer food like berries.

He really likes his construction outfit.

Complete with tool belt.
Here are some videos of the kid.
Some thank yous.
That construction outfit is hilarious!! I love it!
love his outfit! he is so adorable!! sef, will you tell fanua i emailed her asking for your address so i can mail her belated bday present(i know it was months ago!) and nakis as well- i dont think i can top that awesome construction outfit! :) anyhow, can you have her email me back xoxo have fun this summer!!!
Ha ha, love the box climbing routine! Uh oh...busted...
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