Our farmers market opened for the season this summer and we opened our lemonade stand as well. There was a lot of advertising and even some news crews showed up. One of us got on the news:
The other one just got their gloved hands on the news...
A little bit after we went to Vancouver for the 2010 winter Olympics, we took a quick weekend trip to Portland for a basketball tournament that Sefa was involved with. Sefa almost died...

On the way home. Daddy is watching a light down a tunnel...pause..
The next trip we took was Fanua's spring break. We went to Cape Cod for the whole week and ended up in Providence RI, Boston MA, and Martha's Vineyard.

The plane to Boston consisted of two legs. One to Denver (which Naki slept on), and one to Boston from Denver. This last leg was 4 hours. Naki did very well and only broke down once.

We got there Saturday night so Sunday was our first day of sight seeing. Here we are in Provincetown at the very tip of Cape Cod.

We walked the pier.

We hit the beach a little. That is at the very tip of Cape Cod. Lighthouses etc...

The next day, it rained the whole day. So we decided to do some inside touring. We went to the Cape Cod potato chip factory. They don't let cameras inside so this is the only shot we have. It was neat to see how they did things. We also went to Plymouth to check out Plymouth Rock. It's just a rock...but I suppose that's where this all started...

We went to a mall afterwards and Fanua got her shopping fix for those couple of hours. Naki liked to ride the merry-go-round.

The next day, it rained the whole day and there were record breaking floods all around. We went to Providence Rhode Island and visited a children's museum so Naki can release...The museum had tons of fun kid stuff for him to do including a water room where they could play with water.

Naki playing in one of the play rooms.

Interesting piece of art. We went to lunch and then came back to the museum for a little more play before checking out the rest of the city.

At the end of our visit to Providence, we went to another museum for Fanua. This is the culinary arts museum put on by Johnson and Wales college (culinary arts nirvana).

The rain finally stopped as was projected, and the place started warming up like it was supposed to the next day. This day we went up to Boston and took a trolley ride around town. We could get off and back on all day so that's what we did.

We stopped at the Boston Commons (sort of like New York's Central Park) and let Naki run around.

We stopped by the place where the Celtics play (as well as that bridge in the background) so we could get some tickets...

It was not baseball season (the opener against the Yankees was the day after we left) but here is some place that some dude plays baseball...

We checked out a local aquarium that Naki got to see some sea lions swimming.

We checked out a place call Faneuil Hall where some important decisions were made back in the day (which is like 1600's).

We ended the day at a lobster restaurant where we got lobster and let Naki play with the head...It was better than all the lobster rolls were were getting everywhere thinking they were going to be good.

The next day was a nice sunny day so we went to the island called Matha's Vineyard. We took a ferry and Naki liked being on a boat.

We wanted to check out the island so we got bus tickets and got ready to go on the bus.

Turns out our bus driver knew us....
We walked around, had lunch, ate sugar based food, had dinner (Fanua's favorite of the trip) and took the bus back to the ferry.

Upon learning of our pending departure....

Naki hit the ocean with a rock...

Here we are at the end of this day. Naki is tired of pictures but posed for a picture in front of the ferry station...

The next day was also sunny and warmer. We went back up to Boston for our tour of Fanua's favorite T.V. show "America's Test Kitchen".

Here is the front of the kitchen within the offices. There are a lot of offices where editing of the magazine takes place.

On our tour, we got to see their library of recipe books as well as an auxiliary room where prep and test cooking takes place. Here we are in front of the wall of ovens..

Here we are in the main kitchen where a ton of test cooking was being done.

Here is a view that you would see on T.V. where they shoot the show.

Oddly enough, this is the store front. It is nothing but an apartment building where you have to go up some compact stairs to the 'studio'. No sign, just an address.

Of course we had to have lunch at the Cheers bar.

We stopped by the store where Julia Child shopped for her show.

Naki then voiced his opinion about visiting the Boston Commons again.

He sat on a duck sculpture.

On the way back to the 'commons', we drove by Harvard and MIT to see if Naki could get in. He can't yet, his SAT's are too low.

Then we jumped on the train to go to a Celtics game.

It was Celtics vs. Rockets. It went into overtime and the home town team lost.
This is a very long post and we have pictures of April fun but will wait until this all sinks in.
Here are some videos of the trip:
You guys travel so much!!! Sounds like fun though! As always, Naki is adorable.
Wow! You guys have been busy. Didn't you just love New England? We had a blast up there!
How fun! We're sorry we aren't there anymore to play with you! Your pics made me miss it. Sorry about the rain you had. Welcome to Boston! We love it there.
Wow! What a party! I love that you guys travel as a family! How much fun!
It looks like you guys had tons of fun! I wanna go!
Check out "Make Way For Ducklings" by Robert McCloskey and that duck sculpture photo will make more sense. Landon loves that book.
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