Boise has a lot of 5K's. This happens to be one to celebrate woman's fitness. Naki doesn't have to run/walk it since he is not a woman.
This is after the 5K.
A side effect to being in SLC while working is visiting other folks. This is at a 'get together' at a large house in Kaysville. These two kids had a lot of fun. The people involved: Malmstroms, Fergusons, Matagi's.
More side effects of the trip to SLC. This is Naki playing and flirting some more. The people involved: Tori, Naki, some folks playing rugby in the background with one of them being Joe.
We went to Red Bluff as a side effect of working in Redding CA. This is the Sacramento River in Redding near the Sundial Bridge. Naki was really liking water.
This is Turtle Bay and some natives in their natural habitat...
thanks for the pix, Naki is adorable!! Vegas looked like so much fun! we cant wait to see ya'll christmas time...
frog eye salad, right fanny! yummers.
cant wait to give naki a big hug
He's SO precious! Naki, we couldn't have done the 5K without you! And wow, I feel honored to be in so many pictures - right up there with the #1 DUI grandpa. ha ha Oops, that didn't come out right... Love you all, Mum xxx
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