Here is some more stuff for your eye hole.

This is at an Idaho Stampede (NBA D-League) vs. the Utah Flash. The camera just focusus on whatever it wants so instead of getting a great action shot of some dudes playing b-ball, we get this kid sticking his tongue out.

BSU vs USU. The outcome wasn't what was expected.

Naki by the fire.

More pics of Naki = more comments.

The World Special Olympics were this year in Idaho and we went to some stuff. Here we are with the Czech floor hockey team being hosted by Halee Hunter. Fanua tried to tell them that she was part Czech, but they just laughed politely and probably joked about it on the way home.

For the Special Olympics, one can only guess what the Idaho mascot was.

We (I) received a complaint that some gifts given to Naki received preferential treatment on this blog frequented by patrons all over the world. In order to further diplomatic relations with the complainant, these pictures feature Naki and some Christmas presents he received in March from the complainant.


Naki says 'Thank You'

Note that this gift takes precedence over food and reading.

Let's try broccoli. This step was skipped when Naki's mom was this age, thus resulting in the great broccoli tantrum of 1980-2000.

Broccoli is going to come out funny looking.

'I think I like it'. Must be Dad's son.
More Naki.
And More Naki.
What a babe! Naki is so cute and MOBILE! Eeek! He seems like such a cool kid. We have yet to MEET him!! What the...??
YAY!! HE's so freakin cute, i can't wait to play with him.... only like 20,000 more days:(, how DARE you torture your son with brocoli. i remember you throwing fits eating eat when i was in elementary... so that means you had to be like.. what, coming home from college during christmas break? tisk tisk
What a sweet little guy! I hope we get to meet him sometime. And hang out with his parents. :)
Naki is the happiest and sweetest baby; no matter the hour, no matter if he's under the weather with a cold or ear infection, he is just one happy child! I had the nicest 2 day stay with Naki and his doting parents. He ate broccoli, fresh strained peas (no preservatives for this little angel), yogurt and discovered cheetos (oops...). He brightened the day for 2 elderly ward members while daddy Sefa weeded their Victory Garden. Naki I love you!! Mum xxxx
oh sef, your blogs make me laugh! esp. the part abt fanny telling the Chzec athletes that she is part chzec.. also, the brocolli - LOL!! I know i can always get a goodl laugh from the blog. naki is sooo stinking CUTE!!! we love you guys xoxo thanks for the laughs and great pix of naki.
Hey!! I just have to make a comment on Fanua's smile in the special olympic picture. She looks as if she's "special". :0) I LOVE & MISS that girl!!! Oh yeah, one more tiny thing...that baby is SOOOOOO cute! I need to meet him! Come out and visit's going to be beautiful here pretty soon, and I'm just so much fun that a visit won't disappoint! ;0)
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