Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lybian Oil

More power than a collective bargaining union, it's Naki!

It gets cold in Boise sometimes...

Naki counting calories...

After all of our travels in 2010, we came home after the holidays and opened our presents.

Naki is happy...

Naki is cheesy...

Some presents that Naki likes...


No. 2 is a boy because of the blue right?

It doesn't take much for a celebration.

Naki is exerting self control by patiently waiting for his ride to open up...

The dreads are born in Feb 2011. Naki called it funny hair.

Naki at a basketball game.

He loves him some basketball.


Fanua flies to Chicago and Naki loves riding the luggage ride at the airport...

Fanua in bakery land.

Here is a video of Naki enjoying a hockey game. He thinks hockey is 'not nice'.


Joni said...

CONGRATS on the new little one in the oven. :)

PrincessAnna said...

Love the dancing!

Holly said...

CONGRATS!!! So excited for you guys!