Sunday, September 28, 2008

When do you give them baby cereal?

When did you all start giving your bebe's cereal as their first food? Was cereal even their first food? I'd sure love some advice on when to start little Naki on his non-boob milk food diet :)

He's 4 months old (on the 29th) and I've let him suck and eat the insides of one grape, and he seemed fine. It seems like he's tolerating (bland!) foods when I stick it to his lips as it seems like he's starting to reach for my food...

Whaddy'a think?


Janae said...

I just sent the invite. I would start giving Naki cereal now. He shows all the signs. He won't choke on it as long as you start making it diluted with breast milk or formula. Maddox LOVED rice cereal until he was over a year old. Definitly start with cereal though over giving him baby food. It'll fill Naki's tummy more and last longer than breast milk does and it's cheap! Good Luck!!

Fancy Face Fanua said...

Great, thanks for the advice! We already bought some rice cereal, but I wasn't sure if that is even the right type to get (I saw a barley, oatmeal, whole wheat..). I think I'll try it tomorrow right before bed...hope it doesn't mess up his bedtime schedule...thanks!

Malmstroms said...

I say whenever you want. I don't live by the laws of the books, and Asia seems to have turned out ok so far!

Scott and Carly said...

We've had such a hard time getting Spence to eat anything. So I say if he wants give it to him:) I'll bring some over to you. Spencer wouldn't eat it, and still won't. We have like five boxes that are going to go to waste.

Natalie said...

Most of the major medical organizations recommend waiting to start solids until at least 6 months. A lot of people will tell you that starting solids sooner will make them sleep better but research has shown otherwise. Whatever you choose to do don't feed him cereal from a bottle. If you're giving him solids give it to him from a spoon. I didn't start Charlie on solids until he was 9 1/2 months old. And now (at almost 11 months) we still don't give him solids every day. We just randomly let him taste our food when it's baby-safe. They say to start with rice cereal b/c it's the least likely to cause an allergic reaction but you can do most fruits and veggies (pureed) too. Sorry for the long post - I have lots of opinions I guess! lol Just follow your gut!

browneyedgirl said...

You could always ask your pediatritian.

Todd*Jenny Lei*Savannah*Nate said...

Hey, baby talk is fun! Here is my 2cents! We started Savannah at 4 mos b/c she was waking up at night after sleeping through it for a couple mos and she was watching us eat, both of which our dr said are signs she is ready. We did baby oatmeal cereal just from Walmart out of personal preference. She is 7 mos now and eats solids 3-4 times a day and a bottle supplement also. There isn't really anything we don't give her now except the main don'ts ie honey, milk, nuts, etc. Good Luck - this stuff is so fun! Oh PS - 1 biggy our dr said is give them veggies before you introduce fruit or they'll never eat veggies.

Lucashell said...

I let Legacy start eating cereal at 3 months and by 6 months she was eating solids? I think at 9 she was on table food. Your baby will tell you when they are ready to move stages and you will know what I mean when you start feeding him cereal. It only gets better from here Trust me!